

The Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) will conduct training of examiners for Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) between 13th and 19th August 2023.

The training fee is Kes. 10,500 and will ONLY be made by the shortlisted applicants who will be notified through a text message(SMS) and the portal on how to make the payments. The venue for training will be communicated to the shortlisted applicants upon payment of the training fee. The exercise will be strictly residential.

KNEC will thereafter engage such examiners using the criteria for recruitment of examiners based on the personnel needs for each paper.

Teachers who are already trained as KCSE examiners and are in the KNEC database of examiners need not apply.

Applications are therefore invited from interested and qualified teachers for the following examination papers.

SR/NOPAPER NAME Kiswahili (Insha)PAPER CODE 102/1
1.2Kiswahili (Lugha)102/2
1.3Kiswahili ( Fasihi)102/3
1.4Mathematics Alt. A121/1
1.5Mathematics Alt. A121/2
10.2Islamic Religious Education314/1
10.3Islamic Religious Education314/2
10.4Home Science441 /1
10.5Home Science — Clothing Construction (Practical)441/2
10.8French (Listening Comprehension, Dictation and Creative Writing)501/1
10.9French (Reading Comprehension, Grammar, and Functional Writing)501/2
10.10Arabic (Listening Comprehension and Dictation)503/1
10.1 1Arabic (Grammar, Reading Comprehension and Composition)503/2
10.12Business Studies565/1
10.13Business Studies565/2

2.1 General requirements for all the trainee examiners

                2.1.1      Must be a practicing teacher in the relevant subject area at secondary school level.

                2.1.2      Must be registered and/or employed by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC);

                2.1.3       Must have a Diploma in Education and above

                2.1.4        Have a minimum teaching experience of three (3) years;

                2.1.5      Must NOT be on interdiction or any other form of disciplinary action from the TSC;

                2.1.6      Must be recommended by his/her head of institution; and

                2.1.7        Must be 50 years of age and below.


3.1      Applicants are required to do the following:

                3.1.1         Access the KNEC examiners’ portal using the link https://examinersapp.knec.ac.ke;

                3.1.2     Those with Cp2 accounts, should log into the portal using their usernames and passwords;

3.1.3 Those who would have forgotten their Cp2 passwords, should click on reset password button and enter their mobile number in the format (2547********) and submit to get new passwords for logging to the system;

3.1.4 Those without Cp2 accounts, should click on create account and follow the instructions to acquire login credentials to access system;

3.1.5 Upon successful log in, complete their personal profile and save. On the dashboard, click on apply for training and all the declared vacancies will be available for the applicants to choose.

The training slots are limited and once the required numbers are attained, the online application portal will close down.

Chief Executive Officer

The Kenya National Examinations Council

P.O. Box 73598 -00200


The Kenya National Examinations Council has various platforms for customer use in accessing services. One such platform (portal) is the Query Management Information System (QMIS). This is an electronic platform for online submission and processing of queries related to examination results such as Certification of Examination Results for candidates who lost their certificates, Confirmation of Examination Results and Equation of Foreign Qualifications. Customers should use the credible address of Qmis via (https://qmis.knec.ac.ke) while seeking KNEC online services to avoid falling victim to cyber fraudsters purporting to offer KNEC services.

Customers should visit the KNEC website (www.knec.ac.ke) in order to access portals and guidelines on how to apply for various services and products.


  1. Good report to recommend on

  2. Needs more clarification on the same

  3. What will be the fate of these examiners after 5 years ,when kcse will be nolonger there??

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